Return Policy

We want you to love your purchase! If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you may return or exchange items within 14 business days of receiving your order.

Custom clothing, trucker hats, or other personalized items are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged. Sale items are also final sale.

To be eligible for return or exchange, items must be in original condition with tags still attached. Please allow 5-7 days to process returns and exchanges. We will notify you by email when your return/exchange has been completed.

For purchases made between November 15 - December 24, we offer extended returns or exchanges (if we have the item in stock) until January 1. This is our gift to you during the holiday season!

If you have any questions or need help with returns/exchanges, please reach out to us at

Please mail returns to: [insert return address]

We want you to absolutely love your purchase! Let us know if we can help in any way.